Reasons for Burning Sensation during Urination

Do you feel a burning sensation during urination? Then you may have Dysuria (painful urination). Dysuria can happen in patients of both sex. You can feel this pain at the bladder, urethra or perineum. 

In our body, there is a tube known as the urethra that flushes out the pee from our body. The perineum is the area between the scrotum/vagina and the anus in those who have a penis

According to Dr. Pabitra Mishra, the best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar, painful urination is quite prevalent among people today. During urination pain, burning or stinging can be caused by various medical factors.

Let’s discuss it in detail.

Causes that create painful urination

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Painful urination is a common symptom of Urinary tract infection (UTI). UTI can be caused by either bacterial infection or urinary tract inflammation. 

In the urinary tract, you will find the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. The ureters assist with moving the Urine from the kidneys to the bladder. You can feel the discomfort or pain just by inflammation in any of these organs.

Individuals with a vaginal canal are more likely to be infected with this than those with a penis. Since people with vagina have a shorter urethra, Bacteria travels a shorter distance to enter the bladder when the urethra is shorter Moreover, this infection happens more in pregnant ladies and ladies who have reached menopause.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 

If you have pain while peeing, it can be due to sexually transmitted infection (STI). Painful urination can also be due to some STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhoea and genital herpes. 

Also its important to be tested for STIs since most of the time they don’t show any symptoms. This is more true for sexually active persons. 


Painful Urination can also be caused in those who have penis due to Epididymitis or inflammation of Epididymis. The epididymis is present behind the testicles, stores, and helps with transferring sperm from the testes.


Pain during urination can also be seen in people with prostate due to inflammation in the Prostate Gland. It leads to burning, stinging and pain in the urinary tract.


People with pain during urination also witness an increased desire to pee due to bacterial infection which leads to inflammation in the urethra. This condition is called Urethritis.

Inflammation of the pelvis (PID)

The fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and uterus are especially affected by PID. The symptoms are abdominal pain, uncomfortable intercourse and painful urine.

PID is dangerous & it happens because of bacterial infection. The infection starts in the vaginal area which then spreads to other reproductive organs.


A pronounced painful sensation during urination is characterized by inflammation of the bladder lining. This symptom is one of the very first manifestations of cystitis. And later there are pains in the bladder and pelvic region. Painful Bladder Syndrome is another name for Interstitial Cystitis.

Radiation cystitis might be an outcome of Radiation therapy which causes bladder and urine pain. 

Obstructive uropathy

The best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar explains Obstructive uropathy as a condition in which a ureter, bladder or urethra is blocked and urine flows back to the kidney. It can occur in any part of the system, from the kidneys where urine formation occurs to the channel through which it leaves the body. The condition increases the pressure in the urinary canal and threatens complications if not diagnosed in time.

Another illness, urethral stricture, leads to a constriction of the urethra, resulting in comparable urination and discomfort problems.

Stones in the kidneys

Urination becomes difficult if a person has kidney stones. Kidney stones are Solidified masses of material in the urine tract


Sometimes the side effect of medicines like cancer treatments and other antibiotics we take can cause a painful feeling. So before taking any medicine you need to talk about its side effects with doctors so that you don't have any doubt.

Hygiene supplies

The burning sensation and pain during urination aren't only happening due to any infection. It can also occur due to the Hygienic items we use to clean those areas. The soaps, lotions, and bubble baths can irritate vaginal tissues.

Colors utilized in clothing cleansers and different toiletries can also irritate the skin. 

What are the various ways of treating uncomfortable urination?

To diagnose this, the first step you can take is to find out the main cause. To cure difficult peeing, the doctor might suggest some medication. To treat urinary tract infections, bacterial diseases, and sexually transmitted illnesses doctors recommend antibiotics. Also, the doctors can recommend you some medicines to cure inflamed bladder.

At the point when you began your medication for a bacterial sickness, your difficulty peeing ordinarily works quickly. While taking prescriptions, consistently follow your doctor's guidance. A few diseases, for example, interstitial cystitis, cause torment that is more challenging to make due. The impacts of pharmacological treatment might take more time. It could require as long as four months of medication before you begin to feel far improved. In any case, it very well may be treated with appropriate daily practice and prescriptions.


Dysuria is unpleasant, causing pain, discomfort, and/or a burning sensation. Sometimes it is dangerous. The best urology doctor in Bhubaneswar says Dysuria can be a sign of many serious infections that can lead to the failure of an organ, blood poisoning, and even death. So if you feel anything like this, then immediately consult with the doctor. The sooner you go for its diagnosis, the better result you will get. 


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